Caroline Waldbuesser

Photo of Dr. Waldbuesser
Assistant Teaching Professor, Course Director for Public Speaking
206 Switzler Hall
(573) 882-4432

Ph.D. Ohio University

M.A. Texas State University

B.S. Missouri State University

Courses Taught

Communication 1200

Communication 3575

Select Publications

Waldbuesser, C., & Cuellar, J. M. (2023). Is there anything I can say to get you to stay?”: Sensemaking in an online fan subreddit. Western Journal of Communication, 00, 1- 28.

Waldbuesser, C. & van Raalte, L. J. (2023). Teacher Affection and Immediacy in College Classrooms: Predicting Student Engagement. Educational Research Quarterly, 47(1).

Waldbuesser, C., Rubinsky, V., & Titsworth, B. S. (2021). Take a deep breath and keep going: Teacher emotional labor and emotional regulation. Communication Education, 70, 1-18.