Deb Snellen, SPHR
Deb Snellen, SPHR

Deb Snellen (MA ’80) is the Executive Director of Organizational Development for Lake-Sumter State College. She was previously the Executive Director of Organizational Development for the Office of Advancement at Mizzou, where she was responsible for the acquisition and placement of talent, learning and development programs, performance management, and career pathing for the nearly 175 employees of the Division. From 1988 – 2013 Snellen led her own consulting firm, Business Class, providing workshops, seminars, and facilitation services for organizational development and improvement to clients nationwide. In 2008, Snellen received a Faculty Alumni Award from the Mizzou Alumni Association. In 2010, she received the Tiger Pride Award from the Mizzou Alumni Association and was also named the Member of the Year from the Kalispell, MT Chamber of Commerce for her work with Leadership Flathead. Lastly, Snellen was an honor tap to QEBH in 2006 at Mizzou.