Research Illustration

Research Centers

Media and Diversity Center graphic

Media & Diversity Center

The MDC is co-directed by Drs. Behm-Morawitz and Riles in the Department of Communication. The MDC's goals include engaging in research with a national network of scholars, conducting community outreach related to media literacy, and training the next generation of social scientific media scholars. Faculty and graduate students affiliated with the MDC work with undergraduate students to provide them with media and research experience. If you are a student who would like to get involved with the MDC, please email Abigail: If you are a faculty or community member, please email Lissa or Julius: or 

A photo of Jesse Hall

Political Communication Institute

The Political Communication Institute (PCI) at the University of Missouri develops knowledge and promotes greater understanding of how communication functions in the practice of politics and achievement of democracy. Primary activities of the Institute include conducting original research, sponsoring educational programs, and promoting citizen engagement in political and civic affairs. The PCI is housed within the Department of Communication, a unit of the College of Arts & Science at the University of Missouri.