Darrin Widick
Darrin Widick

J. Darrin Widick (’89) began his marketing communication career in Kansas City in 1989, first as a writer at a small advertising agency, then in a communication role at a real estate office. The entrepreneurial itch struck in 1995 when he formed Widick Marketing, which provided traditional advertising and marketing solutions. The company began building websites in the late 1990s, and in the 2000s morphed into Group 3 Solutions, a boutique digital marketing firm providing website design and development, email marketing, social media management, and search engine optimization and marketing. Darrin was among the initial group of 100 international recipients of the Qualified Google Advertising Professional designations. While at Mizzou, he specialized in nonverbal communication as one of the first Truman the Tiger mascots. He resides in Lee's Summit, MO with Mizzou alum Susan Appleberry Widick and daughters Abbey (TCU '19) and Allie (Mizzou '22).