The Intercollegiate Communication Organization of Mizzou (iCOM) provides career and networking opportunities for all Communication majors and Interdisciplinary majors with an emphasis in Communication.

About iCOM
- Student-run organization through the Department of Communication at the University of Missouri
- Provides exposure to career opportunities available in the field of communication
- Advances the understanding of communication skills for Pre-Communication and Communication Majors
- Meetings twice a month with guest speakers who are professions in various fields that rely on communication skills
- Hosts a yearly networking trip
iCOM Executive Board, 2023-2024
- President: Anna Clark
- Vice President: Jessica Peterson
- Treasurer: Evan Kidane
- Networking Chair: Heaven Butler
- Public Relations Chair: Jordyn Gobble
- Programming Chair: Kayla Caruthers
- Membership Chair: Lea Mitchell
For more information, please contact our advisors: Emily Lorenz, Go-Eun Kim, and Dr. Steve Klien.