4.11 Copy Procedures for Department of Communication Faculty
4.11 Copy Procedures for Department of Communication Faculty
Sample of Items to be copied on the office copier:
Nearly all instructional materials (see exception in #1 below)
- Research related activities of faculty members (e.g., articles, questionnaires, drafts, etc.)
- Copies needed for service activities (e.g., articles to review, copies for service, etc.)
- Items needed for official records (degree plans, degree forms, revision of records, etc.)
Items not to be copied on the office copier:
- Articles used by graduate or undergraduate students as part of their classes: These types of “course packet” articles should either be made into PDF files and then made accessible to students via Blackboard or email or should be made available to students in hard copies. Student can print pdf files for free at computer labs and can make course packet copies at copies centers.
- Drafts or final copies of graduate student papers for classes they are taking. These can be printed for free at computer labs on campus.
- Graduate student dissertation proposals or dissertations for distribution to committee members. Graduate students are responsible for these copies.
- Copies involving less than 150 total pages:
- Option 1: Submit electronically to the copier machine, generally one hour prior to need to ensure accessibility.
- Option 2: Submit electronically to the office staff (Cathy), generally four hours prior to need to allow for scheduling.
- Option 3: Submit paper copy to office staff (Cathy), generally four hours prior to need to allow for scheduling.
- Copies involving more than 150 pages to allow for scheduling (e.g., syllabus, tests):
- Option 1: Submit electronically to the office staff (Cathy), generally one day prior to need to allow for scheduling.
- Option 2: Submit paper copy to office staff (Cathy), generally one day prior to need to allow for scheduling.
- These should generally be submitted one day prior to need to allow for scheduling.
- Be sure to indicate whether a PDF or paper copy is needed.
- Copies of articles, etc., from books or other printed materials:
- Generally, you may print single-page letters onto department letter head from your office by specifying Tray 4 of the machine. Please check if you are printing multiple letters.
Please note:
- Following the guidelines will assure that copies are ready at the requested time. The office staff will attempt to meet later or last minute requests.
- As we adjust to the new machine, the office staff may alter these procedures.