Haley Horstman
Haley Horstman

PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2012)
Dr. Haley Kranstuber Horstman (Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln) researches how families communicate to make sense of their adversity and diversity. She grounds much of her work in narrative theorizing and methodology. Currently, she is studying intergenerational family storytelling in international families, along with research in contexts of miscarriage and adoptive families, among others. Her work has been published in top-ranked peer-reviewed journals such as Communication Monographs, Communication Research, Health Communication, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, and been awarded more than fifteen Top Paper Awards at academic conferences.
Dr. Horstman has been awarded and consulted on several federal, foundation, and university-funded grants, including those funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, MU’s Research Council, and MU’s Tri-Continental (3C) Partnership Grant as well as the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to research family storytelling and resilience in Warsaw, Poland. She was recently awarded the Associate Professor of the Year in MU’s College of Arts & Sciences.
Dr. Horstman is the director of international programs in the department and oversees the Communication and Culture study abroad program in Siena, Italy (https://communication.missouri.edu/undergrad/abroad).
- COMMUN 3561 – Relational Communication
- COMMUN 3422 – Communication Research Methods
- COMMUN 8310 – Seminar in Interpersonal Communication
- COMMUN 9280 – Seminar in Communication Theory
- COMMUN 9310 – Seminar in Family Communication
- COMMUN 9330 – Special Topics in Interpersonal Communication – Narratives in and about Personal Relationships
* Graduate student author; ** Undergraduate student author
Helder, E.J., Horstman, H. K., Henness, J., *Lyssy, K., **Vallance, C., **Warners, A. L., & **Bailey, F. X. (2024). Religious meaning-making in adoption: Perspectives of adult adoptees. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/02654075241276696
Horstman, H. K., Bohanek, J., *Łapińska, E., *Watson, O., Cierpka, A., & Małek, K. (2024). “Living the stories of your great-grandmother:” Making sense of Russia’s war in Ukraine through Polish intergenerational family storytelling. Communication Monographs. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/03637751.2024.2349570
Horstman, H. K., & *Leverenz, A. (2024). “It's like rowing upstream in the dark:” Using metaphors from pandemic pregnancy to inform messaging for future public health crises. Communication Reports, 37(2), 96-108. https://doi.org/10.1080/08934215.2024.2303649
Horstman, H. K., Pedro, A., *Goldschmidt, T., *Watson, O., & Butauski, M. (2023). Exploring resilience and communicated narrative sense-making in South Africans' stories of apartheid. International Journal of Communication, 17(23), 3207-3325. https://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/19464/4166
Horstman, H. K., *Leverenz, A., *Morrison, S., *Jordan, E., *Baltazar, A., *Cen, X., *Charvat, E., *Okafor, B., & Butauski, M. (2023). Pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic: Communicated narrative sense-making and resilience. Health Communication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2022.2163103
Horstman, H. K., *Morrison, S. M., McBride, C., & Holman, A. (2023). Memorable messages embedded in men’s stories of miscarriage: Extending communicated narrative sense-making and memorable message theorizing. Health Communication, 38(4), 742-752. https://doi.org/10.1080/10410236.2021.1973718
Colaner, C. W., *Bish, A., *Butauski, M., *Hays, A., & Horstman, H.K., *Nelson, L. R. (2022). Communication privacy management in open adoption relationships: Negotiating co-ownership across in-person and mediated communication. Communication Research, 49(6), 816-837. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093650221998474